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Algrapport nummer 9, 2020


Diversiteten av växtplankton var varierande i Västerhavet. Vid Anholt E samt Släggö var den relativt hög medan Å17 samt N14 Falkenberg innehöll få arter och mestadels små celler. Det fanns relativt höga cellantal av kalkflagellaten Emiliania huxleyi i samtliga Västerhavsproverna. De integrerade …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Marie Johansen
Publicerad: september 2020

Klimatförändringar och biologisk mångfald - Slutsatser från IPCC och IPBES i ett svenskt perspektiv


Negativa effekter av klimatförändringar och förlust av biologisk mångfald är två parallella kriser som är starkt sammankopplade, och som har en tydlig koppling till mänskliga aktiviteter. Allt flera röster har hörts som säger att det krävs omgående och samordnade insatser från det globala samfundet …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: Klimatologi 56
Författare: Lena Bergström, Institutionen för akvatiska resurser, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) Pernilla Borgström, Centrum för miljö- och klimatforskning, Lunds universitet (LU) Henrik G. Smith, Centrum för miljö- och klimatforskning, Lunds universitet (LU)
Publicerad: september 2020

Vertical mixing and restrafication in the bay of Bothnia during cooling


Autumn cooling in the Bay of Bothnia provides an opportunity for studying wind mixing, convection and restratification below the temperature for maximum density. Vertical temperature profiles for a 52 day period are analysed for the case of cooling of brackish sea water around the temperature of …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RHO 32
Författare: Anders Omstedt and Jörgen Sahlberg
Publicerad: september 1982

Expeditionsrapport från R/V Svea vecka 35-36, 2020


SMHI performed an oxygen survey within SLU-Aqua’s cruise; the International Bottom Trawl Survey, that covers the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. SMHI joined the cruise to perform CTD measurements in connection to each trawl and to take water samples for the annual oxygen survey. Samples for nutrients …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Martin Hansson
Publicerad: september 2020

An investigation of the crystal structure of sea ice in the Bothnian Bay


This report presents sea ice core measurements taken from the Bothnian Bay, March, 1984. The measurements were taken at different sites in the skerries and the basin area. The ice cores were analysed with respect to crystallographic structure using polarized light. Some ice cores were also used for …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RHO 40
Författare: Anders Omstedt
Publicerad: september 1985

A model for pollution studies in the Baltic Sea


A combination of a circulation anda diffusion model has been developed to be used for dispersion studies in the Baltic Sea. As the time scale of interest is from months up to several years a straightforward way to model the dispersion would require the circulation model to be run for a very long …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RHO 39
Författare: Lennart Funkquist and Lars Gidhagen
Publicerad: september 1984

Water turnover in Himmerfjärd 1977 - a simulation study


A two-dimensional circulation model (one vertical, one horizontal axis) was validated for a 3-week period, taking place in early fall 1977. For this time there exists independent measurement-based estirnates of the water turnover in Himmerfjärd estuary. Indata (forcing) of the model are: …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RHO 38
Författare: Anders Engqvist and Jonny Svensson
Publicerad: september 1984

Coastal upwelling in the Baltic - a presentation of satellite and in situ measurements of sea surface temperatures indicating coastal upwelling Part l and ll


Satellite data (AVHRR) and in situ data of sea surface temperatures have been used to describe wind-induced upwelling along the Swedish coast of the Baltic.

The satellite data, transformed to isotherm charts  points out three sections of the coast where the upwelling is especially intense. …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RHO 37
Författare: Lars Gidhagen
Publicerad: september 1984

A forecast model for water cooling in the Gulf of Bothnia and lake Vänern


A new forecasting model for water cooling in the Gulf of Bothnia and Lake Vänern is presented. The model elements consist of a transient Ekman model, where the turbulent exchange coefficients are calculated with a two-equation model of turbulence, a heat flux package for calculating the net heat …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RHO 36
Författare: Anders Omstedt
Publicerad: september 1984

Application of the distributed HBV-6 model to the upper Narmada basin in India


The application of the HBV-6 conceptual runoff model to the Upper Narmada basin is surnmarized. The work includes an extensive investigation of the homogeneity of the precipitation stations anda discussion on the estimates of the potential evapotranspiration. A comparison between a lumped and a …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RHO 35
Författare: PK Bhatia (IIT Delhi), S. Bergström and M. Persson (SMHI)
Publicerad: september 2020
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