Maximisnödjup i Sverige (perioden 1905–76).

Typ: Rapport
Serie: RMK 29
Författare: Pershagen, H.


Data have been obtained from 40 selected meteorological stations.
The following monthly tables have been prepared:

A Various statistical information in cm.
B The five highest and lowest values with year of occurrence.
C Relative frequency.
D Classification of the depth of snow.
E The five mast and least severe snow-seasons for each station.
F The five mast and least severe snow-seasons in certain regions.
G The five mast and least severe snow-conditions divided inta regions and months with indication of year.
H Maximum depth of snow at each station and <luring each of the 72 years  with indication of month.
I  Various stalistical information derived from the values of table H.
K Highest and lowest yearly maximum and difference in cm.
L Extreme values of the depth of snow.