The work described in this report is part of a collaboration project between Empresa Nacional de Electricidad (ENDE), Bolivia, and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI).
Empresa Nacional de Electricidad is in charge of the electrical power production in Bolivia. At present (1986) hydroelectric power accounts for nearly 70% of all generated electricity, and there is a vast potential that can be exploited. The purpose of this project has been to introduce new and efficient methods for hydroelectric project studies through the use of mathematical modelling techniques. One conceptual (HBV) and one stochastic (HEC-4) rnodel system have been transferred from SMHI to ENDE, as well as the knowledge of using them.
This report deals with the application of the conceptual HBV-model to three Bolivian basins. The use of the model aims at extension of time series of daily discharge data. The stochastic model is based on monthly data and its application to Bolivian rivers is described in the report "Monthly Streamflow Simulation in Bolivian Basins with a Stochastic Model" (Ambjörn et al, 1987).
The collaboration project was started in February 1986 and completed in March 1987. The Swedish Agency for Technical and Economic Co-operation (BITS) was contributing to the financing.