Aplicacion del modelo HBV a la cuenca del Río Cauto en Cuba.

Typ: Rapport
Serie: Hydrologi 31
Författare: Mercedes Rodriguez / Barbro Johansson / Göran Lindström / Eduardo Planos / Alfredo Remont


The work described in this report, was done in collaboration between the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrologieal Institute (SMID) and the Instituto Nacional de Resursos Hidra´licos de Cuba (INRH), with financial support from the Swedish Agency for Technical and Economie Cooperation (BITS). The project also received active assistan e from the Cuban State Committee for Economic Collaboration (CECE).
The main objetive of the project was the application of the HBV model to the Cauto river basin in eastem Cuba, in order to
- forecast the inflow volume to the reservoirs located in the basin and
- contribute to the rational use of water in the reservoirs.