Seminarium om IPCC:s specialrapport om Klimatförändringar och marken

Den 2 september arrangerar KSLA i samarbete med SMHI, Chalmers, Focali, IEA Bioenergy och SIANI ett seminarium om IPCC:s senaste specialrapport om Klimatförändringar och marken.

Seminariet, som hålls på engelska, livesänds på webben. Mer information inklusive länk till webbsändningen finns på den här sidan:


Climate Change and Land
A seminar about the new IPCC special report.

Moderator Lovisa Hagberg, Senior Policy Adviser, WWF SE, fellow of KSLA

Göran Örlander, Chair KSLA’s Committee on Climate and Land-Use until 2030, Fellow of KSLA

IPCC’s Special Report on Climate Change and Land: background and overview
Markku Rummukainen, Professor, Sweden’s IPCC Focal Point, SMHI, Fellow of KSLA

Climate Change and Land Degradation: Impacts and Responses
Annette Cowie, Principal Research Scientist, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Professor, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Australia

Risk Management and Decision Making in Relation to Sustainable Development
Francis X. Johnson, Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

Global Perspectives on the Implications of the Report
Speakers to be confirmed

Panel Discussion: How do we address the challenges identified in the report? Maria van Berlekom, Lead Policy Specialist, Sida, Stockholm
Uwe Fritsche, International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy (IINAS),
Madeleine Fogde
, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Fellow of KSLA
Marie Stenseke, University of Gothenburg and IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Group, Fellow of KSLA
