Follow these steps:
1.) Choose the appropriate template in the provided table below. We regularly make changes so always make sure to download the latest version.
2.) Fill in the template. Instructions and examples are embedded.
3.) Send data with e-mail to
We notify the deliverer upon receival with copy to orderer of data. We then perform quality controls and when necessary consult the deliverer concerning the data. After approved quality control data is packaged with potential changes made and published on SHARKweb and SHARKdata.
Part of program | Description | Reporting template |
Pelagic | Physical and chemical data from different depths. Chlorophyll concentrations (discrete depths) and low-resolution CTD data. | Format Physical and chemical.xlsx (42 kB, xlsx) |
' | High-resolution sensordata (for example CTD- and MVP-data) | Format Profile.xlsx (43 kB, xlsx) |
' | Chlorophyll concentrations (integrated depths) | Format Chlorophyll.xlsx (55 kB, xlsx) |
' | Primary production (incubation method) | Format Primary production.xlsx (33 kB, xlsx) |
' | Phytoplankton, Picoplankton | Format Phytoplankton.xlsx (53 kB, xlsx) |
' | Zooplankton | Format Zooplankton.xlsx (64 kB, xlsx) |
' | Bacterioplankton | Format Bacterioplankton.xlsx (45 kB, xlsx) |
' | Sedimentation | Format Sedimentation.xlsx (41 kB, xlsx) |
Macrofauna soft bottom | Zoobenthos | Format Zoobenthos.xlsx (50 kB, xlsx) |
Seal and eagle | Grey seal and harbour seal | Format Grey and Harbour seal.xlsx (47 kB, xlsx) |
' | Ringed seal | Format Ringed seal.xlsx (42 kB, xlsx) |
' | Pathology in grey seal, harbour seal and ringed seal | Format Seal pathology.xlsx (41 kB, xlsx) |
Epibenthos | Sampling of macro vegetation with dive/snorkel transect (general template) | Contact SHARK |
' | Sampling of macro vegetation with DROPVIDEO | Format Epibenthos dropvideo.xlsx (72 kB, xlsx) |
' | Sampling using squares along transects | Contact SHARK |
' | Sampling using sections and squares along transects | Contact SHARK |
' | Sampling of macro vegetation using MARTRANS | MARTRANS can export data according to our format |
' | Sampling of the depth distribution of macrovegetation | Contact SHARK |
If something is not clear or a deliverer wishes to send data that does not currently fit any format available in the table above please contact us: