Observations and data – air, lakes, waterways and seas

Observations are the basis for SMHI's forecasts, warnings, services and products.

Observation station, Skagsudde.
Observation station, Skagsudde.

SMHI's observation stations collect large quantities of data, including temperature, precipitation, wind, air pressure, lightning, solar radiation and ozone.

Satellites and radar installations are also important sources. Data is presented continuously on smhi.se and used in SMHI's various weather services.

Satellite Sentinel-1

Hydrological measurement

SMHI has an extensive hydrological measurement operation that primarily measures and collects data such as water discharges (how much water flows in waterways), water level, ice thickness, ice freeze-up and ice thaw. Calculations and analyses of hydrological data are performed at SMHI and stored in different databases used for forecasts, warnings and research, among other things. An important task is to inform and warn in the event of high flows and water levels.

Observations of oceanographic parameters

SMHI conducts real-time observations of oceanographic parameters with tide gauge stations and buoys. Data pertaining to, for example, water level, temperature, waves and ocean currents is collected. Measurements are also carried out by ships, where various biogeochemical parameters are additionally collected. SMHI is also responsible for monitoring the algal situation in the Baltic Sea, as well as for monitoring and reporting on ice conditions in seas and large lakes during the winter.

Open data

As of 2014, SMHI's data is transparent and open to use, and it is possible to download the most frequently requested data from smhi.se.