Seatrack is a system for calculation and presentation of the spread of different substances and objects in lakes and watercourses, and is used for risk analyses, zones for protection of drinkiing water and operative control of oil discharges.
In connection with the control of pollution it is highly important to predict where a certain discharge is heading and where it will reach the coast. For this purpose we have developed the Internet based system Seatrack, which uses the best forecasting models of wind and currents and simulations of dispersion in lakes and coastal waters.
A tool with many possibilities
Seatrack has been applied on Swedish waters both on a regional and local scale. The system is currently used for risk analyses of water catchments, in operative oil control and as an educational tool.
- Forecasts of different types of environmentally dangerous discharges in water
- Calculation and forecasting of drift trajectories when water has been polluted
- Tracking and finding the source of the water pollution (discharge)
- Handling different types of petroleum products, algal blooms and objects
- Easy-to-use interface with standardised mapping tools and a high level of compatibility with other GIS-based data
- Information for Environmental Impact Assessments
- Scenarios
Customised for your needs
It is possible to have Seatrack customised for a specific area with high geographical resolution images in order to satisfy your requirements.
Seatrack as a system is fast and easy to use, since it is developed in cooperation with the users and continuously improved. The user only needs to specify the position, type, depth and quantity of the discharge, to start a simulation in Seatrack.
Presentation of results
The results, in the form of a drift forecast, are presented on a map which displays trajectories and concentrations. The result can also be animated.
As a user you have detailed information regarding the characteristics of the discharge at various places, both graphically and in tables. This can then be saved, printed or exported.