Algae report number 6 part 2, 2013

The AlgAware report No 6 is divided in PART 1 and PART 2 because the expedition in June was divided in two cruises. This report presents phytoplankton analyses from the southern Baltic Sea and the Swedish West coast. Last updated:

Algae report number 2, 2023

1ALGAL SITUATION IN MARINE WATERS SURROUNDING SWEDEN AlgAware Oceanographic Unit No 2, February 2023 Sammanfattning Vårblomningen var främst igång i Kattegatt, med höga cellantal av framför allt kiselalgerna Skeletonema marinoi och Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii. Även klorofylltopparna vid Fladen Last updated:

Algae report number 1, 2023

1ALGAL SITUATION IN MARINE WATERS SURROUNDING SWEDEN AlgAware Oceanographic Unit No 1, January 2023 Sammanfattning I Kattegatt var artdiversiteten av växtplankton hög, men de totala cellantalen var låga. I Skagerrak var artdiversiteten något lägre. Allt ligger dock till rätta för vårblomning och Last updated:

Algae report number 10, 2022

1ALGAL SITUATION IN MARINE WATERS SURROUNDING SWEDEN AlgAware Oceanographic Unit No 10 October 2022 Sammanfattning Växtplanktondiversiteten var mycket låg, antalet arter var något förhöjt vid Släggö jämfört med övriga Västerhavsstationer, men de totala cellantalen var låga i hela området. Vid Last updated:

Algae report number 11, 2022

1ALGAL SITUATION IN MARINE WATERS SURROUNDING SWEDEN AlgAware Oceanographic Unit No 11 November 2022 Sammanfattning Diversiteten och de totala cellantal av växtplankton var relativt höga vid flertalet stationer i Västerhavet. Enda undantaget var vid Å17 där det totala cellantalet var lågt Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 28, 2023

Baltic. More information about the algal situation can be found in the AlgAware-report for July (https // The next regular monitoring cruise carried out by SMHI on board R/V Svea is planned between 10th – 16th of August, starting and finishing in Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2022

1ALGAL SITUATION IN MARINE WATERS SURROUNDING SWEDEN AlgAware Oceanographic Unit No 9 September 2022 Sammanfattning Diversiteten av växtplankton var hög vid samtliga stationer i Västerhavet. Kiselalger dominerade överlag i cellantal och framför allt var Pseudosolenia calcar-avis vanlig. I Skagerrak Last updated:

Algae report number 6 part 1, 2013

The AlgAware report No 6 will be divided in PART 1 and PART 2 because the expedition in June is divided in two cruises. This report present phytoplankton analyses from the Baltic Sea. The Aphanizomenon flos-aquae dominated southeast part of the Baltic and three species from the genus Dinophyceae Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 49-50, 2022

activity was measured in the Arkona Basin. No major peaks in chlorophyll fluorescence were observed. More information about the algal situation can be found in the AlgAware report for December https // (only available in Swedish). The Bothnian Sea and Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 45, 2022

in the Baltic Proper was 7 – 9 metres. More information about the algal situation can be found in the Algaware report for November https // (only available in Swedish). Figure 1. Transect showing CTD measurements of dissolved oxygen, salinity and Last updated: