Algal situation reports

Reports from SMHIs offshore sampling programme, which describe the algal situation in marine waters surrounding Sweden.

Algae report number 7, 2024

The analyses were conducted onboard the R/V Svea during the cruise, which began in Falkenberg, traversed the Baltic Sea, and concluded on the west coast. Surface samples were collected at all stations in the Baltic Sea specifically to monitor cyanobacteria blooms. Additionally, water from …

Type: Report
Author: Anders Torstensson
Published: Jul, 2024
Last updated:

Algae report number 6, 2024

All stations along the Swedish west coast had a dominance of diatoms. A bit surprising was also to find several cells of the bioluminescent dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans, at all stations. Except for this, small flagellates of various taxa were the most common, and in Skagerrak Emiliania …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik, Marie Johansen
Published: Jun, 2024
Last updated:

Algae report number 5, 2024

Some chains of Skeletonema marinoi and Guinardia delicatula was still present as a remembrance of the spring bloom in the Kattegat and Skagerrak area. Except for the diatoms, small flagellates of different sorts were most common. The integrated chlorophyll concentrations were above normal at the …

Type: Report
Author: Anders Torstensson, Marie Johansen
Published: May, 2024
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Algae report number 4, 2024

Due to bad weather, all of the Skagerrak stations except Släggö were not sampled. The spring bloom had passed and the cell concentrations and biodiversity were overall low. Some chains of Skeletonema marinoi and Guinardia delicatula was still present as a remembrance of the spring bloom. Except for …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen, Maria Karlberg
Published: Apr, 2024
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Algae report number 3, 2024

The diatom spring bloom was ongoing at Anholt E and Fladen in the Kattegat, but at all other Kattegat and Skagerrak stations the total cell numbers were moderate although the scene was set when it comes to species. The abundance and biodiversity were low in the Baltic Sea, although moderate amounts …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik, Anders Torstensson
Published: Mar, 2024
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Algae report number 2, 2024

In the Kattegat the spring bloom seemed to be just around the corner. Diatoms dominated and were composed by species commonly found in the spring bloom. The stations in the Skagerrak, on the other hand, had very few cells but still the bloom species, Skeletonema marinoi was present. The integrated …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Feb, 2024
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Algae report number 1, 2024

The species diversity was high in the Kattegat when considering the season but the total cell numbers were low. In the Skagerrak the diversity was a bit lower. Only Släggö could be sampled in Skagerrak during this cruise. The Plankton community along the Swedish west coast had a traditional winter …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen, Maria Karlberg
Published: Jan, 2024
Last updated:

Algae report number 11, 2023

The species diversity and the total cell numbers were low in the Skagerrak but higher in the Kattegat. Overall diatoms dominated at all stations and among the larger cells. Pseudo-nitzschia* was common at most stations. The smaller cells had a dominance of cryptomonads and Emiliania huxleyi. The …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik, Marie Johansen
Published: Nov, 2023
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Algae report number 10, 2023

Only two stations could be sampled along the Swedish west coast due to the hard wind and high waves. Both stations, Släggö in Skagerrak and Anholt in Kattegat, had quite high biodiversity with a dominance of diatoms. Among the diatoms the potentially toxic genus Pseudo-nitzschia* was common. The …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Nov, 2023
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Algae report number 9, 2023

The highest number of species during the September cruise was found at Släggö and the dinoflagellates Scrippsiella-group and Ensiculifera carinata were numerous. The total cell numbers were however low at all of the west coast stations. There were more dinoflagellate species than diatoms in the …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik, Maria Karlberg
Published: Oct, 2023
Last updated: