Research news

Winner of the ClimeMarine Art Contest: creative illustration connecting Marine Spatial Planning and Climate Change


We can proudly present the winner of the ClimeMarine art contest: Malva Crona from Malungs folkhögskola, with a cartoon featuring various aspects of Marine Spatial Planning and climate change.

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SMHI presents at the Science is Wonderful! 2020 online exhibition

ClimateRossby Centre

SMHI's climate modeling research unit Rossby Center participates with two research projects at the online exhibition Science is Wonderful! on 22-24 September during the European Research and Innovation Days.

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Aquaclew for better water services


The Aquaclew project has, during the last three years, advanced data quality in Pan-European climate services for the water sector. Robustness, Resolution and Recruitment describes the performance through the entire Climate Service production chain.

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New project studies air pollutants from forest fires

MeteorologyClimateAir Quality

There have been several major forest fires in the large, forested areas of the northern hemisphere in recent years, and these have led to an increase in air pollutants which affect human health. Researchers are now investigating how a changed climate with rising temperatures and more extreme …

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Climate change makes reducing eutrophication even more important


Significant reductions in nutrient discharges from the land will result in reduced eutrophication in the Baltic Sea and a better marine environment by 2100 – regardless of how serious the effects of climate change are. These are the findings of research carried out by Stockholm University’s Baltic …

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Cyanobacteria bloom in the Baltic Sea – learn about the phenomenon


This year’s cyanobacteria bloom in the Baltic Sea has just started. The bloom is visible in satellite images from SMHI’s monitoring system ’Baltic Algae Watch System’. SMHI has also created a short informative film raising the awareness about algae and phytoplankton, and their role in the marine …

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Impressions from the WCRP JSC-41 Conference in May 2020

The WCRP Joint Scientific Committee Session is an annual meeting where the leaders of the WCRP research community discuss progress towards the Programme's objectives and make decisions that will determine the future direction of the Programme. The 41st Session of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee …

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New generation of high resolution climate models used at the Rossby Centre


As the climate changes, high-resolution and regional climate models become increasingly important as a basis for decision making. HCLIM is a regional climate model that can run at high resolution and is able to reproduce precipitation extremes, urban temperature, climate over mountainous regions …

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Launch of an art contest in marine environment for students on World Oceans Day!


An art contest on the theme climate change impacts on the marine environment is today launched by the ClimeMarine project at SMHI and Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Students in Sweden are invited to illustrate this exciting and important issue.

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Towards warning systems for urban flooding


The European project MUFFIN (Multi-Scale Flood Forecasting) aimed to develop innovative systems and solutions for predicting and managing flooding in urban environments. This included comparing and evaluating observation and forecasting systems ranging from local to national scales. The …

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