Faster and more reliable weather forecasts

SMHI Edge brings the greatest benefits to you working on an investment bank, analysis agency or with trading. This is the fastest and most reliable way of obtaining the latest weather forecasts. Data is delivered the same moment it is available.

SMHI Edge data delivery is the fastest and most reliable way of obtaining the latest weather forecasts from for example ECMWF. The forecast is delivered the same moment it is available. SMHI Edge has no geographical restrictions. Data for the entire planet can be delivered for different regions, stations or grid points, all in compliance with your request.

SMHI Edge can offer the greatest benefit to you who are working for example in trading or in an analysis agency specialized in energy, grain or commodity trading. SMHI Edge is also used by investment banks as well as in risk management and advisory business.

SMHI Edge products

  • SMHI Edge data. Supports a number of standard formats that make it possible to deliver weather data straight into your business systems. Delivered the same moment it is available.
  • SMHI Edge web. Weather data is delivered to your private Edge web page using Ajax push technology. The weather forecast is shown as a map the same moment it is available.