Computer programs have been developed for handling of NOAA VHRR digital data. The programs include geometric corrections, presentation of calibration data, derivation of data, variation of grey scales, different presentation forms etc. A SAAB D23 computer has been used for the computations. Line printer has mostly been used for presentation of data, but also electrostatic plotter and ink jet plotter have been used. The analogue VHRR data was digitized at the Swedish Defense Research Board.
The soft ware has mainly been applied to sea ice and snow studies but also in a less degree to studies of sea surface temperature and examination of data, which was supposed to be the oil spill at platform Bravo ·in the Ekofisk area.
Digital processed satellite data are more useful thanphotographic pictures both for sea ice and snow mapping. Quantification of snow cover and sorne ice parameters is possible, but for many purposes a multispectral data analysis is necessary in order to avoid false information.
A short sea ice study with computer processed LANDSAT datahas also been carried out. The soft ware used was developed at the Swedish Defense Research Board.