The integrated (0-20 meters) chlorophyll a concentrations were low at all of the Skagerrak sampling sites, which is normal for the season. The species diversity was quite divers low at the Skagerrak stations but with low abundance of each species. Only a few species of diatoms were found and the phytoplankton community was dominated by small flagellates. Fewer number of species were found in the Kattegat area compared to the Skagerrak. Small flagellates dominated at Anholt E and the diatom Skeletonema costatum dominated at N14. The integrated (0-20 meters) chlorophyll a concentrations from the Baltic Sea were normal for the season and declared that the spring bloom had almost diminished. Only a few species of diatoms in low abundance were found at all of the Baltic phytoplankton stations. The dinoflagellate Peridiniella catenata was still quite common but the golden algae Dinobryon was the most abundant genus.