The long-term goal of the programme is social, environmental, equitable, inclusive and sustainable growth in Zambia. The medium-term perspective is to target the mining industry in Zambia in order to improve the well-being of poor, marginalized and disadvantaged people directly engaged in and effected by mining. SMHI will contribute by addressing the reliability and usability of early weather warnings and address climate vulnerability in the mining sector together with local partners.
Strengthening Zambian Mining Governance in The Nexus of Environment, Human Rights, and Climate (ZAMNEX)
Last updated
ZAMNEX is a four-year programme focusing on strengthening sustainable mining governance. The ZAMNEX programme is financed by Sida and implemented by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The programme’s component 3 is led by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and focuses on supporting the Zambian government in its efforts to address climate change effects on the mining sector.