New data sources in process-based hydrological modeling

, include high-resolution satellite measurements of water levels in lakes and watercourses, innovative applications of drones for snow and watercourse mapping, and precipitation analyses based on signals from cell towers. Last updated:

Towards operational hydrological forecasting in Botswana

standard Operating Procedures. On-the-job training were intensified during the course of the project with focus on hydrological modelling and forecasting routines. DWA personnel explored several hydrological models and have also evaluated them to get the best for their conditions. A data link between DMS Last updated:

Inflows to the Baltic

outflows, salinity and oxygen levels have been monitored in the Baltic for over 100 years by SMHI and other institutes there is a relatively large amount of data available for these events. Many find it surprising that the measurements show that the inflows are nothing unusual. However the inflows that Last updated:

World Climate Conference 3 brings together top politicians, decision-makers and climate experts

Rummukainen, climate expert at SMHI. Most social areas affected The conference will focus on what information is needed to deal with climate-related risks in the best way on various sectors of society, including both climate variability and change. Among these sectors are agriculture, energy, water Last updated:


usually covered by the sea. Unsuspecting people walk out to look at what has been uncovered and maybe even salvage some of the things. But then the tsunami wave rolls in faster than a person can run. The advice is therefore if a tsunami approaches, even if the water level appears to drop, leave the beach Last updated:


Wind has a great effect on the water temperature. A sea breeze leads to warmer water at the coast, while an offshore breeze leads to colder nearshore water. This is because when the wind blows towards the land (an onshore breeze) warm surface water is forced inshore. The opposite happens when the Last updated:

Nature-based solutions

mostly worked with large-scale engineering project design but now multifunctional approaches, such as nature-based solutions, are increasingly in demand in society. These are strategies that use nature and natural processes to deliver infrastructure, services, and integrated solutions to meet increasing Last updated:

New reference system for sea levels

to establish a common observation network for sea levels. Within the project, technique for measuring and storing sea level information has been upgraded at all sea level stations. When the project ends in 2019, the network will include about 60 stations along the Swedish coast, all of which will Last updated:


-effect relationships between multiple levels through the use of integrative modelling. The alteration of ecosystem services related to the effects on socio-economic development will also be investigated. GLOBAQUA will contribute to improving water management practices and policies by taking into account the influence Last updated: