There is an ever-increasing pressure upon the marine environment. Pollution, overexploitation, climate change and other human induced (anthropogenic) stressors modify our seas and coasts, which lead to decreased biodiversity, loss of habitats and reduced ecological resilience. Increased pressure from cumulative human impacts emphasise the significance of developing strategies for sustainable ocean governance. Understanding and managing cumulative effects of multiple environmental stressors is therefore crucial in order to support optimal ecosystem-based marine spatial planning.
The main goal within ClimPoll is to compile current state of knowledge on how climate change, such as global warming and ocean acidification affect different species, focusing on phytoplankton, zooplankton, herring and cod. In addition, investigate how climate change induced global warming and ocean acidification affect the toxic effects of organic contaminants and metal in the marine environment. As an example the project focuses on the food chain phytoplankton – zooplankton – herring – cod.

In the ClimPoll project experts in the fields of marine ecology, marine ecotoxicology, marine chemistry and marine biology with the focus on climate change, cumulative effects and coastal zone management cooperates. The results from ClimPoll will be used to update the cumulative impact assessment tool Symphony, developed and used by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water management for Marine Spatial Planning.
Role of SMHI
SMHI is an active partner within the project and lead the work package 1, how global warming and ocean acidification impact the four trophic levels in the ocean; cod, herring, zooplankton and phytoplankton.
Project partners
ClimPoll project is cooperation between the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL), Swedish University of Agriculture Science (SLU) and Södertörn University (ClimPoll project coordinator).
Funding and project period
The project is funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency during 2020-2022.
Contact person at SMHI
Iréne Wåhlström