Air Quality researcher, Ph.D.
Research leader Atmospheric chemistry and air pollution models
Phone: +46 11 4958019
E-mail: firstname.lastname@smhi.se
Research Gate ID: Ana_cristina_Carvalho2
Fields of work
Mesoscale air quality modelling over Europe, and zoomed to metropolitanean areas, aiming to understand the processes leading to air pollution events, such as stratospheric ozone down to the surface, and particulate matter dust outbreaks. Air quality climatology on both measured and modelled data.
Research Interests
- Ozone transport and production
- Particulate matter
- Statistical analysis of meteorological and air quality data
Special competences
Regional air quality modelling, students supervision, research project coordination at national level.
Latest publications from Ana Cristina Carvalho
- Faticov,MariaLocal climate, air quality and leaf litter cover shape foliar fungal communities on an urban tree2024In: AmbioDOI: 10.1007/s13280-024-02041-4
- Tornevi,AndreasPotential Health Impacts from a Wildfire Smoke Plume over Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Sweden2023In: Atmosphere, Vol. 14, no 10DOI: 10.3390/atmos14101491
- Silva,RuiLisbon urban heat island in future urban and climate scenarios2022In: Urban Climate, Vol. 44DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2022.101218