Role in team
- Senior Researcher
- Project Leader
- Project Manager of the Copernicus EMS - Floods Analytics and Dissemination Centre
- Hydrological forecasting at different spatiotemporal scales
- Seamless and Impact-based (user-tailored) forecasting
- Communication of forecast - User engagement and understanding of user needs
- Assimilation of Earth Observation and in-situ data in hydrological services
- Climate services - Improved prediction of extremes
- Process understanding of hydrological systems and modelling under uncertainty
- Prediction in ungauged / non-stationary catchments
- Impacts of environmental change (land use, climate and population) on water resources
- Water resources management and societal adaptation
Professional records
- Member of WMO Research Board
- Chair of WMO Task Team on Hydrology Research
- Co-Chair of HEPEX initiative (
- Reference Group Member of the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS)
- Chair of the EGU HS Subdivision on Hydrological Forecasting
- Associate/Guest Editor in NHESS, HESS, Water, Global NEST journals