The network gathers together the European modelling community working on understanding and predicting climate variability and change.ENES organizes and supports European contributions to international experiments used in assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This activity provides the predictions on which EU mitigation and adaptation policies are built.
IS-ENES2 further integrates the European climate modelling community, stimulates common developments of software for models and their environments, fosters the execution and exploitation of high-end simulations and supports the dissemination of model results to the climate research and impact communities. IS-ENES2 also underpins the community’s efforts to prepare for the challenge of future exascale architectures.
IS-ENES2 combines expertise in climate modelling, computational science, data management and climate impacts. The central point of entry to IS-ENES2 services, the ENES Portal, integrates information on the European climate models and provides access to models and software environments needed to run and exploit model simulations, as well as to simulation data, metadata and processing utilities. Joint research activities improve the efficient use of high-performance computers and enhance services on models and data. Networking activities increase the cohesion of the European ESM community and advance a coordinated European Network for Earth System modelling.
Project goals
IS-ENES2 will:
- Foster the integration of the European Climate and Earth system modeling community
- Enhance the development of Earth System Models for the understanding of climate variability and change
- Support high-end simulations enabling us to better understand and predict climate variations and change
- Facilitate the application of Earth system model simulations to better predict and understand climate change impacts on society
Role of SMHI
SMHI is leading IS-ENES2 Work Package “Multi-model, multi-member high resolution Earth System Models” which will develop and run a set of coordinated multi-model, multi-member coupled climate simulations, at high resolution. This will enhance the efficiency by which leading European HPC systems are used in climate research. Such developments will enhance European Earth System Modelling capabilities and, through support of high-resolution simulations, improve the quality of climate change information available to European decision-makers.
Project partners
The project is led by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) and its Consortium comprises 23 partners from 11 countries. The complete list of project partners can be found here.
IS-ENES2 is a project funded under the program FP7-EU. - Research Infrastructures for Climate Earth System modelling, grant agreement No 312979.
IS-ENES2 will run from March 2013 to March 2017.
Contact person at SMHI
Uwe Fladrich