E-ARCPATH is the Open Science pilot activity for ARCPATH. The main objective is to strengthen the dissemination activities in ARCPATH by making ARCPATH climate data and products openly available online, and by organizing a special session at EGU to present major results to the international scientific community in Arctic climate change. Tasks to be carried out include:
- To prepare a Data Management Plan in line with H2020 guidelines for Open Research Data Pilot;
- To create detailed instructions for how to prepare ARCPATH datasets and products in standard formats with ample metadata;
- To establish the E-ARCPATH data catalogue using Open Source tools that support INSPIRE metadata standards and data access protocols;
- To populate the data catalogue with data from ARCPATH;
- To make the data catalogue publicly available through the ARCPATH web site;
- To prepare dissemination material for the data catalogue to be presented at EGU and other relevant user and stakeholder meetings.
Project Goals
The overarching goals of E-ARCPATH are two-fold:
- To establish a data catalogue for ARCPATH datasets enabling the wider scientific community to openly access data collected, analysed and synthesized during the ARCPATH project;
- To organize a special session at EGU 2019 for presentation of ARCPATH results to the wider international scientific community.
Role of SMHI
SMHI is involved in WP1 – Open Science Pilot for ARCPATH NCoE.
Project partners
E-ARCPATH includes four partners: the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (Norway, project leader), University of Bergen (Norway), DMI (Denmark) and SMHI.
E-ARCPATH is funded by NordForsk.
E-ARCPATH will run from 2017 to 2020.