The CORDEX project
CORDEX – the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment is an international project, founded by by the World Climate Research Programme, which aims to coordinate international efforts in regional climate downscaling.
The Rossby Centre's contribution
The Rossby Centre has been an active contributor and driver of CORDEX related dynamical downscaling since 2010 through coordination of international regional modelling activities and production of regional climate simulations over various CORDEX domains.

The figure above provides an overview of the number of simulations we have completed in each domain with a total of 115. In the Europe and Middle East-North Africa (MENA) domains simulations have been completed at both 0.44 degree and 0.11 degree resolution. For more information and examples of the Rossby Centre simulations please download the Rossby Centre CORDEX 2013 poster.
How to obtain the data
The main resource to obtain data from CORDEX project is the Earth System Grid Federation. SMHI collaborates with Linköpings Universität to maintain a ESGF data node hosted at NSC (National Supercomputer Center). For the first time data published here is quality controlled according to international agreements developed within theIS-ENES2 project. This federated archive holds data from many other international activities (eg. CMIP5) which can be accessed through the same interface.
Older scenarios
For information on scenario data and simulations completed prior to and including 2009 please follow the link to the ARCHIVE information: .