
Abhishek Lodh



PhD, Postdoctoral Scientist.

Porträtt på Abhishek Lodh.

Abhishek Lodh

Fields of work

Numerical modelling of weather and climate, Coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation (SURFEX; HARMONIE-AROME modeling system), Land-surface processes, Cloud Microphysics (SPCAM using CESM model), C3S reanalysis.

Research Interests

  • Land surface perturbation generation methods; Extended and Ensemble filter (Local Ensemble Transform Kalman filter) based land data assimilation system for soil moisture, skin temperature, snow temperature; Machine Learning in Data Assimilation
  • Cloud microphysics, superparameterization in the CESM modeling system; aerosol – cloud modeling using AI-ML techniques.
  • Research and development in numerical modeling of weather and climate, dynamic downscaling, impact analysis of land use – land cover changes on monsoons, tropical cyclone modeling and development of multi-hazard risk assessment methods to evaluate climate change risks.

Special competences

  • Extended Kalman Filter technique-based Land Data Assimilation System for generation of surface analyses of Soil Moisture (ASCAT) for the NCUM model at NCMRWF, India.
  • Development of software capabilities for assimilation of INSAT-3D Land Surface Temperature for the global Land Data Assimilation System for the NCUM model at NCMRWF, India.
  • Implementation of super-parametrized cloud microphysics scheme in the CESM model
  • Development of climate vulnerability index over India with aassessment of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity at a climate scale.

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