Abhishek Lodh
PhD, Postdoctoral Scientist.

Abhishek Lodh
Contact and CV
- Email: abhishek.lodh@smhi.se
- Phone: +46 11 495 86 81
- Abhishek Lodh, CV Pdf, 63.4 kB.
- Skype: abhishek_lodh
Fields of work
Numerical modelling of weather and climate, Coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation (SURFEX; HARMONIE-AROME modeling system), Land-surface processes, Cloud Microphysics (SPCAM using CESM model), C3S reanalysis.
Research Interests
- Land surface perturbation generation methods; Extended and Ensemble filter (Local Ensemble Transform Kalman filter) based land data assimilation system for soil moisture, skin temperature, snow temperature; Machine Learning in Data Assimilation
- Cloud microphysics, superparameterization in the CESM modeling system; aerosol – cloud modeling using AI-ML techniques.
- Research and development in numerical modeling of weather and climate, dynamic downscaling, impact analysis of land use – land cover changes on monsoons, tropical cyclone modeling and development of multi-hazard risk assessment methods to evaluate climate change risks.
Special competences
- Extended Kalman Filter technique-based Land Data Assimilation System for generation of surface analyses of Soil Moisture (ASCAT) for the NCUM model at NCMRWF, India.
- Development of software capabilities for assimilation of INSAT-3D Land Surface Temperature for the global Land Data Assimilation System for the NCUM model at NCMRWF, India.
- Implementation of super-parametrized cloud microphysics scheme in the CESM model
- Development of climate vulnerability index over India with aassessment of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity at a climate scale.
Latest publications
Impact of INSAT-3D land surface temperature assimilation via simplified extended Kalman filter-based land data assimilation system on forecasting of surface fields over India
Abhishek Lodh, Ashish Routray, Devajyoti Dutta, Vivek Singh, John. P. George
Investigating the impact of tropical deforestation on Indian monsoon hydro-climate
Abhishek Lodh, Stuti Haldar