SMHI's expertise

SMHI is uniquely positioned to contribute to increased resilience and sustainable development around the world. Working together with fellow National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and other partner organisations, we build capacity for more effective provision of weather, water and climate services to the public, especially those most vulnerable to the effects of a changing climate. This includes forecasting and early warning services, environment and health impact assessments, long-term decision support and climate services.

Expertise IUS

The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) is an expert authority under the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise. SMHI has a global outlook and a vital mission to forecast changes in weather, water and climate. With a scientific foundation, we use knowledge, research and services to contribute to a more sustainable society.

SMHI is the Swedish National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHS) and the technical expert authority for meteorology, hydrology, oceanography, climatology, and air quality. Within these subject areas we have expertise in:

  • Observations, including field monitoring and earth observations
  • Data collection, management, quality assurance and processing
  • Modelling
  • Analysis and mapping
  • Forecasting
  • Warning services
  • Climate analyses and scenarios
  • Climate services
  • Climate adaptation
  • Decision support and societal planning
  • Health and environmental studies (including eutrophication, air quality, water quality, biodiversity, freshwater and marine environments)
  • Resource management (e.g. water resources, sediments, biodiversity)
  • Dissemination and communication of data and information
  • Research & development
  • Tailored professional services (e.g. for hydropower, shipping, forestry and municipalities)

Supporting these activities, SMHI also has expertise in IT and governance including:

  • 24/7 information production and monitoring
  • Big data processing with high-performance computing (HPC)
  • IT hardware and software development, operation & maintenance
  • IT architecture
  • Leadership
  • Effect-oriented workflows
  • Agile project management
  • Human resources
Figur som visar SMHIs IUS-verksamhet och hur det når de globala målen.
SMHI provides two essential value chains built around observations, models, analyses, dissemination and action, namely societal preparedness services (e.g. forecasting and early warning services), and long-term planning services (e.g. within climate, health and environment). Through our international development cooperation, we co-create services with partners in low- and middle-income countries that contribute to reaching the targets of international conventions on sustainability, disaster reduction and climate.

SMHI has a long history of international development cooperation with low- and middle-income countries stretching back several decades. We work in a participatory manner, to co-create and enhance weather, water and climate services adapted to the local context. Our capacity development approach is hands-on. It is results-oriented, targeting necessary components to reach results in the specific context. It primarily involves on-the-job training to enable participants to learn essential skills in a practical manner, but also educational components to acquire theoretical background. It aims to foster knowledge exchange and mutual learning. The activities are externally funded by development agencies, research councils, international organisations, and governments in low and middle-income countries. The result is an extensive portfolio of projects and activities that have had documented societal impact.

SMHI is firmly anchored and engaged in the international community and has an extensive network in various organisations and initiatives, including WMO (e.g. HYCOS, APFM, HydroSOS), CMIP, IAHS, EGU and UNESCO (e.g. FRIEND). As a part of SMHI’s international efforts we also host the International Project Office for CORDEX since 2014.