Meteorological research

The Meteorology research unit carries out research and development in weather forecasting, climate analysis, atmospheric processes and air quality. We work with observational data, meteorological analysis and model development for regional weather forecasting in the Nordic region, as well as with remote sensing, climate analysis and air quality at urban to global scales.

Research areas

Latest publications

  1. Tsiringakis,Aristofanis
    An Update to the Stochastically Perturbed Parameterization Scheme of HarmonEPS
    In: Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 152, no 8, 1923-1943 p.
    DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-23-0212.1
  2. Flood,Victoria A.
    Evaluating modelled tropospheric columns of CH4, CO, and O3 in the Arctic using ground-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurements
    In: Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, Vol. 24, no 2, 1079-1118 p.
    DOI: 10.5194/acp-24-1079-2024
More publications from SMHI Meteorological research

Research areas

Latest publications

  1. Tsiringakis,Aristofanis
    An Update to the Stochastically Perturbed Parameterization Scheme of HarmonEPS
    In: Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 152, no 8, 1923-1943 p.
    DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-23-0212.1
  2. Flood,Victoria A.
    Evaluating modelled tropospheric columns of CH4, CO, and O3 in the Arctic using ground-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurements
    In: Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, Vol. 24, no 2, 1079-1118 p.
    DOI: 10.5194/acp-24-1079-2024
More publications from SMHI Meteorological research

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