ParNr Namn Enhet 1 Pressure Pa 4 Potential vorticity K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1 6 Geopotential m**2 s**-2 11 Temperature K 15 Maximum temperature K 16 Minimum temperature K 33 U component of wind m s**-1 34 V component of wind m s**-1 40 Vertical velocity m s**-1 51 Specific humidity kg kg**-1 52 Relative humidity % 54 Precipitable water kg m**-2 58 Cloud ice water content kg m**-2 61 Total precipitation kg m**-2 65 Snow Fall water equivalent kg m**-2 67 Mixed layer depth m 71 Total Cloud Cover % 72 Convective cloud cover (0 - 1) 73 Low cloud cover (0 - 1) 74 Medium cloud cover (0 - 1) 75 High cloud cover (0 - 1) 76 Cloud water kg m**-2 81 Land-sea mask (0 - 1) 111 Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) J m**-2 112 Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) J m**-2 113 Net short-wave radiationflux( J m**-2 114 Net long-wave radiation flux( J m**-2 115 Long wave radiation flux J m**-2 116 Short wave radiation flux J m**-2 117 Global radiation flux J m**-2 122 Surface sensible heat flux J m**-2 124 Momentum flux, u-component N m**-2 125 Momentum flux, v-component N m**-2 130 SW net clear sky rad W m**-2 131 LW net clear sky rad W m**-2 132 Latent heat flux through evaporation W m**-2 160 CAPE out of the model J kg-1 161 AROME hail diagnostic kg m**-2 162 Gust, u-component m s*-1 163 Gust, v-component m s*-1 181 Rain kg m**-2 184 Snow kg m**-2 185 Total solid precipitation kg m**-2 186 Cloud base m 199 Vegetation type - 200 TKE m**2 s**-2 201 Graupel kg m**-2 212 Pressure departure Pa 213 Vertical Divergence s**-1 228 Gust m s*-1 233 Thetaprimwprim surface flux km/s 244 Latent Heat Sublimation J kg**-1 245 Water evaporation kg m**-2 246 Snow Sublimation kg m**-2 248 A Ozone kg kg**-1 249 B Ozone kg kg**-1 250 C Ozone kg kg**-1 251 Surface aerosol sea kg kg**-1 252 Surface aerosol land kg kg**-1 253 Surface aerosol soot (carbon) kg kg**-1 254 Surface aerosol desert kg kg**-1