README The daily file Day_1923_2018.txt contains a set of daily global radiation and other data for Stockholm. Most is hopefully selfexplaining but here is a brief format explanation. Each line contains the following % Header with a brief format. Then for each day: Date yyyy-mm-dd Year yyyy Month month (1-12) Day day daynumber 1-366 instr instrument type given as a number.decimal eta raw data in the early period CF calibration factor used in the past Q original daily global radiation gcal cm-2 best/corr Q corrected daily global radiation gcal cm-2 due to rime, mis-calculation or evident errors in the past toWRR factor to convert to WRR (World Radimetric Reference) toWhm-2 factor toi convert to the unit Whm-2 coscorr- applied cosine correction for older parts of the series CF-corr if the original calibration factor had to bechanged this is the correctionfactor Gcorr the corrected daily global radiation Whm-2 (WRR) status quality flag Srel observed relative sunshine duration (0-1) Sdur observed absolute sunshine duration (hours) DayLength length of day (hours), computed in the same way for all years. Ncloud fraction of clouds based on three obs from Observatorikullen and weigthed 1-3-1 and normalised to (0-1) TempDay daily mean temperature Gex extra terrestrial radiation (Whm-2), computed in the same way for all years. G-cloudmodel modelled daily global radiation Whm-2 from cloud observations G-Sdurmodel modelled daily global radiation Whm-2 from sunshine duration Weine Josefsson February 2019