Syracolithus dalmaticus (Kamptner) Loeblich et Tappan 1963

A&B = Cell in two focal planes; C = Squashed coccosphere; D&E = Squashed cell in two focal depth (observe two flagella and coccoliths with one or two central knobs in E). A-E (DIC); F = Eroded coccoliths in a collapsed coccosphere. (SEM)

Synonym(s): Syracopsphaera dalmatica Kamptner 1927 , Homozygosphaera halldalii Gaarder 1983

Life-form: Solitary motile

Size: Diameter=11-19 µm, coccolithlength 1.9-3.4 µm

Resting spore:


Distinctive features: Laminoliths with four to eight pores surrounding an elevated central structure, which is terminated of one or two distal knobs

Similar species: Calyptrolithina multipora

Distribution: Norwegian Sea, North Atlantic, Skagerrak, Mediterranean, Pacific Ocean

Halldal, P. & Markali, J. 1955. Electron microscope studies on Coccolithophorids from the Norwegian Sea, the Gulf Stream and the Mediterranean. Norske Vidensk.-Akad.Mat.-Nat. 1: 1-30.

Heimdal, B. R. 1993. Modern Coccolithophorids. In: Tomas, C. R. (ed.) Marine Phytoplankton: a guide to naked flagellates and coccolithophorids. p. 147-247.

Heimdal, B. & Gaarder, K. 1980 . Coccolithophorids from the northern part of the eastern central Atlantic. I. Holococcolithophorids. "Meteor" Forsch.-Ergebnisse. 32: 1-14.

  Copyright © 1996-2006, Mats Kuylenstierna & Bengt Karlson All rights reserved.
Last modified on 15 September, 2006

Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

Department of Marine Ecology, Göteborg University, Sweden