Application of the integrated hydrological modelling system IHMS-HBV to pilot basin in Latvia

Typ: Rapport
Serie: Hydrologi 66
Författare: Sten Lindell / Håkan Sanner / Irena Nikolushkina / Inita Stikute


This report describes calibration and application of the IHMS-HBV model on daily time step to Lielupe River basin in Latvia. The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrologicalnstitute (SMHI) have as consultant been responsible for the set-up, calibration, training and delivery of the Integrated Hydrological Model System with the HBV-model (IHMSHBV). The Swedish Board for Investment and Technical Support (BITS) financed the project. The training and transfer of technology were addressed to the Latvia Hydrometeorological Agency (LHMA)