ParNr Namn Enhet 1 Pressure reduced to MSL Pa 11 Temperature Deg C 33 U-component of Wind m/s 34 V-component of Wind m/s 40 Z-component of velocity (geometric) m/s 49 U-comp of Current cm/s 50 V-comp of Current cm/s 51 Specific humidity g/kg 66 Snow Depth m 71 Total Cloud Cover Fraction 82 Deviation of sea level from mean cm 88 Salinity psu 91 Ice Cover Fraction 92 Total ice thickness m 95 U-component of ice drift cm/s 96 V-component of ice drift cm/s 98 Ice divergence 1/s 130 Skin velocity, x-comp cm/s 131 Skin velocity, y-comp cm/s 200 Turbulent Kinetic Energy J/kg 201 Dissipation rate of TKE W/kg 203 Eddy diffusivity m2/s 220 Level ice thickness m 221 Ridged ice thickness m 222 Ice ridge height m 223 Ice ridge density 1/km 231 U-mean (prev. timestep) cm/s 232 V-mean (prev. timestep) cm/s 233 W-mean (prev. timestep) m/s 239 Snow temperature Deg C 243 Total depth in meters m