Strobilidium spiralis (Leegaard, 1915)

A = Lateral view; B = Oral view; C = Somatic kineties (arrow=K2, see Lynn & Montagnes 1988)

Macronucleus (DIC)

Synonym(s): Lohmanniella spiralis Leegaard 1915

Life-form: Solitary

Size: Cell length 40-60 µm, width 40-52 µm

Resting spore:

Note: It is better to study it with the help of the protargol method (Montagne & Lynn 1987). This species was referred to the new genus Pelagostrobilidium by Petz et al. (1995)

Distinctive features: 33-39 external polykinetids, 8-20 internal polykinetids, five somatic kineties, C-shaped macronucleus (Lynn & Montagnes 1988)

Similar species:


Jonsson, P. R. 1987. Photosynthetic assimilation of inorganic carbon in marine oligotrich ciliates (Ciliophora, Oligotrichina). Mar. Microb. Food Webs. 2: 55-68.

Lynn, D. H. & Montagnes, D. J. S. 1988b. Taxonomic descriptions of some conspicuous species in the Strobilidiine ciliates (Ciliophora: Choreotrichida) from the Isles of Shoals, Gulf of Main. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 68: 639-658.

Montagnes, D. J. S. & Lynn, D. H. 1987. A quantitative protargol stain (QPS) for ciliates: method description and test of its quantitative nature. Mar. Microb. Food Webs. 2: 83-93.

Petz, W., Song, W. & Wilbert, N. 1995. Taxonomy and ecology of the ciliate fauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in the endopagial and pelagial of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Stapfia. 40: 1-223.

  Copyright © 1996-2006, Mats Kuylenstierna & Bengt Karlson All rights reserved.
Last modified on 15 September, 2006

Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

Department of Marine Ecology, Göteborg University, Sweden