Tide gauge Forsmark

Station type: Tide gauge
Station number: 2179
Station id: Forsmark
Station name: Forsmark
Latitude: 60.4086
Longitude: 18.2108
Observation period: 1975-
Status: Active
Water temperature (1m)

Tide gauge Forsmark
Tide gauge Forsmark, start year 1975 Foto SMHI Förstora Bild

History (sampling period):
1892-1978 Mareograph Björn (hourly values)
1975-1986 Chart recorder (hourly values)
1986-2005 Automatic and chart recorder (hourly and daily min/max)
2005- Automatic and chart recorder (10-min and hourly min/max)
2010- Measurements of sea surface temperature (hourly, 1m depth)