Download data

This web page contains information on how to download data collected in Swedish marine environmental monitoring. Data and metadata published through the Swedish oceanographic data archive is public according to CC0, and is freely available for everyone to use. More information about our systems can be found on their websites and video instructions are available in the right-hand margin.

Download marine environmental data

SHARKweb - search and download data via web interface

Hint: To get the latest version of the database you may have to empty your web browsers cache. In the right-hand margin you can watch instruction videos on how to use SHARKweb.

Get data SHARKweb

SHARKdata - search and download data via machine-machine interface

Hint: With scripts in R or Python you can easily access and manage data. See more information under the "About" section on

Get data SHARKdata

Contents of the database

Marine biological datatypes:
Chlorophyll (integrated samples)
Primary production
Harbour porpoise
Ringed seal
Grey seal
Harbour seal
Seal pathology
Physical and Chemical parameters
Temperature, salinity, density
pH, carbon dioxide
Oxygen concentration, oxygen saturation, hydrogen sulphide
Phosphate, total phosphorus
Nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, total nitrogen, particulate organic nitrogen (PON), urea
Particulate organic carbon (POC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total organic carbon (TOC), humic substances, lignin, coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
Sea current direction, current velocity
Chlorophyll (discrete samples)
Secchi depth
Low resolution CTD data