Bilateral collaboration in Russia

Climate and clean air

In March 2014 a seminar in Moscow was carried out on SLCP issues and the working methods of the Coalition for Climate And Clean Air, CCAC, in order to encourage Russian participation in the coalition. A large number of experts from several Russian air pollution organisations attended the seminar, together with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, SMHI and the Ministry of the Environment. It can be assumed that the seminar contributed to Russia joining the CCAC in 2014.

Sustainable cities

The National Knowledge Centre for Climate Adaptation at SMHI and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency were given the task of compiling material for the presentation and comparison of the environmental performance of different cities and technologies in order to obtain an overview of Swedish work with sustainable cities. At the same time, a "toolbox" was put together to initiate and run sustainable urban projects in the future. This initiative provides a good platform for work with sustainable cities, both in Russia and in other partner countries, including methodology and reference data for comparisons of both policies and performance between different urban areas.